I’m happy, but…
No more “buts.” You deserve to live your best life.
All those things you’ve been meaning to do? do them.
All those ideas you’ve been keeping in your head? try them.
All those excuses keeping you EXACTLY where you are? say bye.
I'll be your accountability buddy - and help you get past the bullshit excuses that are keeping you stuck.
About me
I’m passionate about helping people live more joyfully.
After 11+ years in the tech start-up marketing and operations space, I realized that my self-worth and my joy was so wrapped up in my career that I had no idea where “work” ended and “life” began.
I was doing everything I “should” it all: working the high-paying job, living in NYC, chasing my next promotion. But I still found myself asking “is this all?” I was happy but… feeling lost.
I had so many things I wanted to do, but no idea how to do them. I hired my own coach to help me figure out why I was feeling so stuck. Spoiler alert: because I had so many things I wanted to do and no idea how to get started.
As a result of this coaching, I made some major changes in my life: moved cities, brought home a puppy, and built out a much healthier work-life balance. I had more energy, I said “yes” more, I got out of my comfort zone to find things that brought me joy. (Added bonus: my manager at work noticed the increase in my productivity now that I was not languishing in front of my computer for hours on end!)
I couldn’t believe the power of coaching. Practical coaching - I didn’t “manifest” this life through a series of mantras. I worked with a coach who knew I was a practical person and stuck to the proven psychological tricks that WORKED.
And I loved it. Better yet, I knew that I wanted to help others transform their lives the same way I had. 100+ hours of training, 150+ hours of coaching, multiple global well-being conferences later - I’m here to help you build a life that truly makes you happy without a bunch of bullshit. Practical coaching for people who want to make change and see it come to life to build the lives they want to live.
WHo am i for?
People who:
Feel like something is missing in their life
Bust their butts at work all week, and become one with the couch on the weekends
Scroll endlessly on TikTok watching the lives others lead instead of living their own fulfilling lives
Can’t remember the last time they did something just to have fun
Spend money on things like clothes, trinkets, and vacations - just to feel something
how to work with me
joy academy
My signature, 8-week guided program designed to jumpstart a happier life. With the help of targeted workbooks you’ll discover the most important Pillars of Joy to really get clear on what brings you joy and how to implement more of it in your life.
1:1 coaching
Looking to stop saying “someday” and start saying “now”?
1:1 Coaching with me is perfect for people who have an idea or goal in mind to live a happier life, but want support in figuring out how to achieve it.
Unsure where to start? Book 30 minutes with me - we can chat through your ideas, goals, “what ifs,” “buts”, and more!
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